Rapid transformational therapy practitioner

Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs with RTT

Understanding Limiting Beliefs

If you’ve ever felt stuck, unable to achieve your goals, or been haunted by nagging doubts, chances are you’re grappling with limiting beliefs. These pesky little mindsets often hide in our subconscious, pulling the strings behind the scenes and stopping us from reaching our full potential. They’re like those old, outdated computer programs that slow everything down and cause nothing but frustration.

But what if I told you there’s a way to reprogram these beliefs, much like hitting that mythical “refresh” button on your computer? Enter Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). This hypnotherapy technique can help you root out and transform those limiting beliefs, giving you the freedom to live your best life.

What Is RTT?

RTT is a powerful therapy that combines elements of hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT, psychotherapy, and neuroscience. Not just a fleeting fix, RTT offers long-lasting benefits that can address everything from anxiety and addictions to chronic pain and sports performance. With RTT, there’s almost no aspect of life that can’t be improved.

During an RTT session, you’ll be guided expertly through hypnotherapy to uncover and reprogram your subconscious beliefs. Post-session, a personalised audio recording will help reinforce these new, empowering beliefs. Think of it as updating your mental software to a new, improved version.

How Does RTT Work?

First things first, hypnosis is a state of focused attention. It’s like being deeply engrossed in a book or a movie – you’re awake, aware, but highly focused. In this state, the conscious mind takes a back seat, allowing us to access the subconscious mind where those limiting beliefs lurk.

The magic lies in the fact that your subconscious mind runs about 90% of your daily activities, even if you don’t notice it. Without RTT, we rely only on the 10% of our conscious mind, which is limited and largely logical. However, it is our emotions and subconscious programming that really drive us.

Reprogramming Through RTT

During an RTT session, you’ll explore how your beliefs, patterns, and behaviours were originally formed. This understanding allows you to interrupt and alter these processes. Imagine realising why you had a fear of public speaking and finally dismantling that fear by addressing its root cause. With RTT, it’s not about masking the issue; it’s about transforming it fundamentally.

Knowing you’re not flawed or broken but simply operating with outdated programming can be a relief. The nervous system can relax, helping you shed the constant fight-or-flight state. You can regain control, calmness, and freedom.

Why Choose RTT?

RTT is not just about immediate relief; it’s about lasting change. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, phobias, weight issues, or even chronic pain, RTT offers a way out. It’s like having a master key to unlock your potential and create a future free from the shackles of limiting beliefs.

My Personal Journey with RTT

Hi, I’m Susan, a certified Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner. My journey into RTT wasn’t just a professional choice; it was deeply personal. A decade-long struggle with chronic health issues led me to discover the incredible power of reprogramming the subconscious mind. Coupled with nourishing whole foods, RTT has transformed my life, helping me overcome issues I thought were unmovable.

Alongside my RTT practice, I am also a qualified Yoga Teacher in vinyasa, restorative, and yin styles. Over the past 25 years, yoga has been a profound part of my life, guiding my day-to-day well-being and growth. My insights from yoga have perfectly complemented my RTT practice, creating a holistic approach to healing and self-improvement.

Your Path to Freedom

You, too, have the power to thrive in ways you might not yet recognise. RTT can help you unearth and rewire those hidden, limiting beliefs holding you back. It’s about giving you the tools to rewrite your story, ensuring a calm, free, and in-control version of yourself.

Remember, just like your computer, sometimes you need an update. With Rapid Transformational Therapy, you can give your mind the upgrade it deserves, leading to a brighter, more fulfilling life.

Are you ready to hit refresh and start your journey towards a better you? Contact me today, and let’s begin transforming those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back!